News & Notice

News & Notice

Notification for all presenters
Writer : ADMIN Date : 2022-07-22 12:57:55 Hits : 3982

Dear All Presenters in AAAP2022,


We hope that you are doing very well and safe in this COVID pandemic.

Program committee has finalized all scientific programs in AAAP2022.

The scientific program will include 6 separate sessions: Plenary Session(PS), Invited Session(IS), Oral Presentation(OP), Poster Presentation(PP), Student Competition(SC), and Young Scientist Competition(YC).


You can see the detailed program in the attached file and AAAP2022 NEWS & NOTICE.

Please find your abstracts with your original submission nick numbers and then match them with new and official abstract ID(e.g., AAAP-2022-SUB-0567 = OP1-1).

All presenters should check the final catergoy and type of the abstracts based on abstract ID because the catergory and type of some abstracts have been changed.  

Please remember your abstract ID for your future references.


For oral presenters (OP, SC, and YC sessions), please keep in mind followings:

1. The deadline for the file submission (PPT format only) is August 7 (Non-extendable)

2. Each presenter in OP sessions will have 12 min. presentation and 3 min. Q&A

3. Each presenter in SC and YC sessions will have 15 min. presentation and 5 min. Q&A

4. Presentation files should be submitted via the homepage as followed:

(1) Log in to the homepage(

(2) Go to ‘My Page’ in the top menu

(3) Click ‘My Abstract & Paper’ in the side menu

(4) Click the title of abstract intended to upload the file

(5) Click ‘Modify Submission’ at the bottom

(6) Upload the presentation file via the file upload section at the bottom

- Make the filename “Abstract ID.Presenting Author” (e.g., OP13-3.Chanho Kwon.ppt)

- File size is allowed up to 80 MB

- If you want to change the previous file, upload the new file to replace it

- Do not change other contents you already presented before

(7) Click ‘Submit’ to complete the submission


For poster presenters(PP sessions), please keep in mind followings:

1. Prepare the poster according to the guideline and bring them in the conference

2. See the guideline “AAAP2022_Poster_Guidelines_final2.pdf” in the homepage(AAAP2022 NEWS & NOTICE)

3. Poster presenters do not need to submit the presentation file

4. All poster presenters MUST follow the poster posting schedule shown below:


Abstract ID



(Standing at the poster)


Even Number

(e.g., PP1-2)

Aug. 24 (Wed)

08:00 ~ 12:00

Aug. 24 (Wed)

13:00 ~ 14:00

Aug. 24 (Wed)

16:00 ~ 18:00

Odd Number

(e.g., PP1-1)

Aug. 25 (Thu)

08:00 ~ 12:00

Aug. 25 (Thu)

13:00 ~ 14:00

Aug. 25 (Thu)

16:00 ~ 18:00

If you have any concern or problem for your presentation, please let us know via


We really appreciate for all your efforts in AAAP2022.


We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Jeju, South Korea.


Best regards,


Program Committee in AAAP2022

File Attatched
File 1 : AAAP2022_Scientific_program_Abstract_code_list.pdf (416.66KB)
File 2 : AAAP2022_Poster_Guidelines_final2.pdf (331.93KB)
Conference photo has been uploaded.

We would like to thank all those who participated and helped us.

All participants can view the conference photos at the link below.

Link to the Photo Page.

I don't want to open this window for a day.